The 26th edition of GLSVLSI will be held in Boston,
Massachusetts, USA. Original, unpublished papers describing
research in the general areas of VLSI and hardware design are
solicited. Both theoretical and experimental research results
are welcome. Proceedings will be published by the ACM and will
be available through the ACM Digital Library. Please visit
for more information.
The Conference Organizers wish to thank the following Corporate
Sponsors for their valued support:

Check the
Archive for the past editions of
Program Tracks
VLSI Design:
design of ASICs, microprocessors/micro-architectures,
embedded processors, analog/digital/mixed-signal systems,
NoC, interconnects, memories, and FPGAs.
VLSI Circuits:
analog/digital/mixed-signal circuits, RF and communication
circuits, chaos/neural/fuzzy-logic circuits,
high-speed/low-power circuits.
Computer-Aided Design
hardware/software co-design, logic and behavioral synthesis,
logic mapping, simulation and formal verification, layout
(partitioning, placement, routing, floorplanning,
compaction), algorithms and complexity analysis.
Low Power and Power
Aware Design:
circuits, micro-architectural techniques, thermal estimation
and optimization, power estimation methodologies, and CAD
Testing, Reliability,
digital/analog/mixed-signal testing, design for testability
and reliability, online testing techniques, static and
dynamic defect- and fault-recoverability, and
variation-aware design.
Emerging Technologies &
nanotechnology, molecular
electronics, quantum devices, biologically-inspired
computing, spintronic technology, CNT, SET, RTD, QCA, VLSI
aspects of sensor and sensor networks, etc. Emphasis should
be on the analysis, novel circuits and architectures,
modeling, CAD tools, and design methodologies for emerging
addition to the traditional topic areas of GLSVLSI listed below,
papers are solicited for a
special theme of "Hardware and System Design for Security and
We anticipate a special issue of a journal on the same topic for
which selected papers related to the special theme will be
invited to submit extended versions for consideration.
*If you are submitting your
paper as part of the special theme of "Hardware and System
Design for Security and Privacy", please select the most
appropriate track above in terms of the broader research
Paper submission deadline:
December 21, 2015, (Monday, midnight, anywhere on
Acceptance Notification:
February 12, 2016
Camera-Ready Paper Due: March
11, 2016
Paper Submission: Authors
are invited to submit full-length (6 pages maximum), original,
unpublished papers along with an abstract of at most 200 words.
To enable blind review, the author list should be omitted from
the main document. Previously published papers or papers
currently under review for other conferences/journals should not
be submitted and will not be considered. Electronic submission
in PDF format to the
website is required. Author and contact information (name,
street/mailing address, telephone, fax, e-mail) must be entered
during the submission process.
Publication and Presenter Registration: Papers will be
accepted for regular or poster presentation at the symposium.
Every accepted paper MUST have at least one author registered to
the symposium; the author is also expected to attend the
symposium and present the paper.
Format: Submissions should be in camera-ready two-column
format, following the ACM proceedings specifications located at:
the classification system detailed at:
This site is maintained by:
GLSVLSI 2016 Webmaster
Theo Theocharides (ttheocharides@ucy.ac.cy),
University of Cyprus.