The 16th edition of GLSVLSI will be held on April 30, 2006 - May 2, 2006 in
Philadelphia, Pennsylavnia. Original, unpublished papers, describing research in
the general area of VLSI. Both theoretical and experimental
research results will be presented at this year's conference.
Proceedings will also be published by
the ACM and
will be included on the SIGDA compendium CD-ROM.
Program Tracks
- VLSI Design: design of ASICs, microprocessors and
micro-architectures, embedded processors,
analog/digital/mixed-signal systems, multi-chip modules, FPGAs.
- VLSI Circuits: analog/digital/mixed-signal circuits, RF
and communication circuits, chaos/neural/fuzzy-logic circuits,
high-speed/low-power circuits.
- Computer-Aided Design (CAD): hardware/software co-design,
logic and behavioral synthesis, logic mapping, simulation and formal
verification, layout (partitioning, placement, routing,
floorplanning, compaction), algorithms and complexity analysis.
- Low Power and Power Aware Design: circuits,
micro-architectural techniques, thermal estimation and optimization,
power estimation methodologies, and CAD tools.
- Testing, Reliability, Fault-Tolerance:
digital/analog/mixed-signal testing, design for testability and
reliability, online testing techniques, static and dynamic defect-
and fault-recoverability, and variation-aware design.
- Emerging Technologies: nanotechnology, molecular
electronics, quantum devices, biologically-inspired computing,
single electron transistors, resonant tunneling devices, VLSI
aspects of sensor and sensor network, and CAD tools for emerging
technology devices and circuits.
Best Student Paper Award
"Best Student Paper Award" will be voted on by the technical
program committee. Only papers with a student as first author will be
eligible. A laptop,
generously donated by Intel,
will be awarded to the winner at the symposium.
The conference is held at the Holiday Inn in historic downtown
Philadelphia; one of the Nation's most historic areas and birthplace
to US history. Please make sure you make your reservations early and
that you use "ACM" as your group code to receive a discount.
- Paper Submission Deadline: January 17th, 2006, 5:00pm PST ()
- GLSVLSI 2006 Submission Site: URL
- Acceptance Notification: February 24th, 2006 (Updated)
- Camera-Ready Paper Due: March 13, 2006 (7:00am EST)
This site maintained by:
GLSVLSI 2006 Publicity Chair
James Stine (
Oklahoma State University